Born | 4 May 1008 | Born At | |
Died | 1060 | Buried At | |
Father | Robert (The Pious, King of France 996-1031) | Mother | Constance (of Toulouse / Arles) |
Born | 4 May 1008 / |
Died | 1060 / |
Contemporary People/Rulers
Family Tree Details
Henry (I, King of France 1031-1060) (b.1008 - d.1060)
+Anne (of Kiev)
= Philippe (I, King of France 1060-1108) (b.1052 - d.1108)
| +Bertha (of Frisia, Holland)
| | = Louis (VI, The Fat, King of France 1108-1137) (b.1108 - d.1137)
| | +Adelaide (of Savoy) (b.1092 - d.1154)
| | = Philip (of France) (b.1116 - d.1131)
| | = Louis (VII, The Young, King of France, 1137-1180) (b.1121 - d.1180)
| +Bertrada (of Montfort)
= Magnus, Hugh (count of Vermandois)
See Also
Eventhough his father was still alive, Henry was crowned as the King of France. Henry's father Robert was feeble and wanted to ensure a successful transfer of control of the French throne. The coronation took place at Reims Cathedral.
Robert, the King of France, died and was succeeded by his son Henry.
France had descended into what is now known as the 'Anarchy of Feudalism' . Law had broken down and the Earls and Barons lived in fortified castles. Many of these lords robed from the surrounding land to make themselves rich. It was extremely dangerous to travel even on the main roads. Famines were common and trading had almost stopped. To stop the deterioration the Church introduced the Truce of God. The truce outlawed any kind of fighting from Wednesday or Thursday evening to Monday morning and on all feast and holy days. ¹
A revolt flared up in Normandy against Duke William. The revolt was led by William's cousin, Guy of Brionne, the son of the Count of Burgundy. William was able to get the support of other Norman lords and Henry, King of France, and together they defeated the rebels at the batlle of Val es Dunes.
Battle fought between Henry, the King of France, and William, the Duke of Normandy. Henry wanted to take control of the Normandy area which was preventing the French access to the English Channel. The Normans defeated the French. ¹
Another battle fought between Henry, the King of France, and William, the Duke of Normandy. Again the Normans defeated the French King's army. ¹
Henry I King of France died. His son, Philippe, became King although he was only eight years old. France was administered by Baldwin one of Philippe's uncles.
On this day in history:
3D Virtual Reconstructions
Transport yourself back up to a thousand years and explore historical buildings as they may have appeared in the past. Built using the popular game development tool Unity 3D, these reconstructions will run in the most of the popular web browsers on your desktop or laptop computer.
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Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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