Biographies of lesser people starting with C
The people listed on this page currently have less information so do not warrant a page of their own. As this website evolves and more information is added these people will be promoted to individual pages.
Please note: Portraits on this page are not intented to be accurate depictions of the individuals.
Died: 771
After the death of his father, Pepin the Short, Charlemagne was given the title King of the Franks at Noyon. He jointly held the position with his brother Carloman who was crowned on the same day. ¹
Charlemange and his brother Carloman had ruled jointly over the Frankish kingdom since the death of their father. When Carloman died in 771, Charelmagne took control of the whole kingdom.
Carloman (II, King of France 879-884)
Died: 884
Vikings were again pushing into Europe and King Louis II started a campaign against their advance, but he fell ill and died. He was succeeded by his two sons Louis and Carloman who jointly ruled the areas of France.
Family Tree Details
Carloman (II, King of France 879-884) ( - d.884)
Cavendish, Thomas
Born: 1560 Died: 1592
Thomas Cavendish spent Christmas in the harbour on the east coast of Patagonia which he named Port Desire after his ship.
Celestine (II, Pope)
Died: 9 March 1144
Three days after the death of Innocent II, Celestine was elected.
Charles (Count of Valois, Anjou and Maine)
Siblings (incl. half-siblings)
Family Tree Details
Charles (The Rash, Ruler of Burgundy)
King Edward IV had taken refuge with his brother-in-law Charles, the Duke of Burgundy. Louis of France declared war on Burgundy forcing the Duke to support Edward in his attempt to reclaim the English throne. ¹
King Edward IV and Charles of Burgundy met at Aire where an agreement was reached on support for Edward's return to the English throne. ¹
The plans of King Edward IV to unseat the King of France led to his invasion of France with a force of 10,000 men. He had been promised assistance from the Dukes of Brittany and Burgundy, and the King of Aragon. Unfortunately the Burgundian army did not turn up due to another conflict and Edward was left without sufficient men to proceed.
Charnay, Geoffrey de
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Born: 1340 Died: 1400
Kipchak Mongols besieging a Genoese trading centre on the Crimean coast catapulted their own dead into the city. The cause of death was a mysterious disease. The Genoese escaped by sea taking the 'Black Death' with them. They landed at Messina in Sicily. Black Death or Bubonic plague was spread by the rat flea. The name Black Death came from the colour of the swelling in the groin, armpit or neck. The person suffering went into a coma and dies soon after. In Europe an estimated 25 million people died. The plague reached Britain in 1348 and again in 1360 and the population may have been reduced by a half. ¹
Geoffrey Chaucer begins the Canterbury Tales.
Geoffrey Chaucer died. ¹
Cheng Ho
Born: circa 1371 Died: circa 1436
The first of seven voyages left the central coast of China in the summer of 1405 under the command of Cheng Ho. The amada of ships was huge and the size of the ships equally so.
Clement (VI, Pope)
Born: 1292 Died: 1352
Peter Roger who chosen by the Cardinals as the successor to Benedict XII.
Due to the length of the year not being an exact number, over time key dates in the calendar were slowly shifting. In an attempt to correct the situation Pope Clement VI invited two senior astronomers to Avignon to come up with a solution. They were Firmin de Belleval and John of Murs. Their suggestions were but forward with a delay until 1349. But the proposals were put aside as the Pope had to contend with more pressing issues such as the Black Death.
Kipchak Mongols besieging a Genoese trading centre on the Crimean coast catapulted their own dead into the city. The cause of death was a mysterious disease. The Genoese escaped by sea taking the 'Black Death' with them. They landed at Messina in Sicily. Black Death or Bubonic plague was spread by the rat flea. The name Black Death came from the colour of the swelling in the groin, armpit or neck. The person suffering went into a coma and dies soon after. In Europe an estimated 25 million people died. The plague reached Britain in 1348 and again in 1360 and the population may have been reduced by a half. ¹
Clifford, John (9th Lord Clifford)
Born: 1435 Died: 28 March 1461
This small battle occurred just before the larger battle of Towton. The Lancastrians were defeated and John Clifford, Lord Clifford was killed.
Clifford, Rosamond
Died: 1176
Clito, William
Died: 1128
King Henry I was in Normandy attempting to put down a rebellion led by William Clito, the son of Robert Curthose, Henry's elder brother who was being held captive in Cardiff Castle. ¹
Charles the Good, Count of Flanders, was murdered as he prayed in the church of Saint-Donatien at Bruges. His murder came as a huge shock and, as he did not have a son to inherit his title, the murder started a period of conflict in the region. Several claiments came forward including William of Ypres, Thierry of Alsace and William Clito. William Clito's claim was backed by Louis VI. ¹
Family Tree Details
Clito, William ( - d.1128)
Clyve, John
At Worcester Cathedral work progressed on the vaults of the nave and crossing, the west front, north porch and east cloister until 1395. The work was desiged by the master mason John Clyve. ¹
Constance (of Brittany)
Died: 1202
Family Tree Details
Constance (of Brittany) ( - d.1202)
+Geoffrey (Duke of Brittany) (b.1158 - d.1186)
| = Eleanor (Fair Maid of Brittany) ( - d.1241)
| = Arthur (of Brittany) (b.1187 - d.1203)
+Ranulf (the Crusader) ( - d.1232)
Constance (of Castile)
Family Tree Details
Constantine (I, Ruler of the Scots 863 - 877)
Died: 877
Invaders from Scandinavia were a constant threat to the Scots and an invasion in 877 resulted in the death of the Scottish King, Constantine I. He was succeeded by his his brother Aed.
Crinan (Abbot of Dunkeld)
Crinan, the Abbot of Dunkfeld, led an uprising against Macbeth in an attempt to put his grandson Malcolm (III) on the Scottish throne. Malcolm was living at the court of Edward the Confessor at the time. Crinian was killed and the uprising failed.
Family Tree Details
Crinan (Abbot of Dunkeld)
= Duncan (I, Scottish king) ( - d.1040)
= Malcolm (III, Scottish King 1058-1093) (b.1031? - d.1093)
| +Ingibjorg
| | = Duncan (II, Scottish King 1094) (b.1060 - d.1094)
| +Margaret (of Wessex) ( - d.1093)
| = Edward (Prince of Scotland)
| = Edmund (of Scotland)
| = Edgar (King of Scotland 1097-1107) (b.1074? - d.1107)
| = Alexander (I, King of Scotland 1107-1124) (b.1077 - d.1124)
| = Matilda Edith (of Scotland) (b.1080? - d.1118)
| = David (I, King of Scotland 1124-1153) (b.1085 - d.1153)
| = Mary (of Scotland) (b.1084? - d.1116)
= Donald (III, Scottish King 1094-1097) (b.1032? - d.1099)
Selection of references used:
Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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