Theodore I became the bishop of Rome. He was born in Jerusalem.
Charlemagne was acclaimed as Roman Emperor in St Peter's in Rome by Pope Leo III.
Alfred is sent to Rome by his father to see Pope Leo IV. ¹
Ethelwulf and Alfred visit Rome to see Pope Leo IV. ¹
Canute attended the coronation of Emperor Conrad II in Rome. This proved his position as the head of a major power. ¹
Macbeth took time to travel to Rome on a pilgrimage. Reports of his visit tell of him distributing large amounts of money.
Conflicts between Archbishop Anselm and William Rufus resulted in the Archbishop leaving England and heading for Rome. William confiscated Anselm's land.
Anslem travels to Rome
After the death of Paschal II at the end of January, Giovanni Da Gaeta was unanimously chosen as the new Pope by the Cardinals of Rome.
Barbarossa was crowned as emperor by Pope Adrian IV in Rome. ¹
When Josias, the Archbishop of Tyre, reached Rome and the Papal Court he informed Pope Urban III of the disaster at Hattin. The Pope was is poor health and the news was too much for him to bare and he died. Gregory VIII was elected as the new Pope but his reign only lasted two months. Gregory died on 17th of December at Pisa. ¹
The churches of Scotland had been under the control of York. In this year Pope Celestine III transferred the jurisdiction of Scottish churches directly to Rome.
Pope Innocent III died on July 16th and two days later in Rome the Cardinals elected Honorius III as the new Pope.
Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, travelled to Rome and left Hubert de Burgh in charge of affairs of the country.
Edward met the Pope in Rome.
After the death of Nicholas IV in Rome a period of over two years occurred where the Cardinals could not decide who should become his successor.
Pope Boniface VIII was crowned in Rome at St. Peter's.
To help pay for a war with England, the French king Philippe IV, imposed a tax on the wealthy church clergy. In response Pope Boniface issued Bull Clericus Laicos, banning any taxation of the clergy in France and England. In return the French king banned any money leaving France destined for Rome without his permission. In England King Edward called for a law to be passed that removed royal protection from any clergy that refused to pay. This meant anyone could rob the Church and would not be held to account.
Pope Boniface nominated 1300 as a holy year and declared those that visited St. Peter's and confessed their sins would be forgiven. This caused a huge number of people to take a pilgrimage to Rome and equally huge amounts of money to be spent.
Held at the Vatican in Rome, the conclave lasted only two or three days and its result was the cause of the Western Schism of the catholic Church. The vote was not seen as fair as a crowd of Romans were demanding a Roman pope and the Cardinals were unable to choose freely. In the end they chose Prignano from Naples.
The Vatican Library in Rome is founded,
Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned actually in Rome with the Roman imperial crown.
Moncada, a Spanish political and military leader, at the head of an army entered and sacked Rome. ¹
See Also
Explore the White Tower
Explore all four floors of the White Tower at the Tower of London using the Unity 3d game engine.
A Medieval Mystery
There appear to be some strange connections between the fourteenth century Old Wardour Castle and ancient stone circle Stonehenge.
1: Location
Old Wardour Castle appears to be aligned to ancient sites in the Stonehenge landscape.
2: Alignment
Stonehenge is aligned to the Summer Solstice. Old Wardour has a very similar alignment.
3: Size
Could the builders of Old Wardour used mesaurements from Stonehenge to layout the geometrical keep?
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